Sunday, August 1, 2010

Heads Up: Tuesday, August 3rd is the day to begin a novena to St. Philomena

Anyone who who knows St. Philomena loves her.  It's true; you just can't help it.  She loves Him; He loves her; we love Him; she loves us; we love her...  The Communion of Saints is just one big mutual admiration society -- and for our family, St. Philomena is a key member in the love and love back cycle. Her purity and courage in the face of martyrdom, proof of her love of God, are a profound example, especially in the apathy and sinfulness of our world.   And, to put it simply and in the modern vernacular:  St. Philomena just rocks.   She always answers our prayers -- sometimes in unexpected, but perfect ways.  She always has a sense of fairness and humor.  She never fails to let us know she's with us.  Her petitions to God through Mary are extremely powerful and we've learned to trust in her to find solutions for us.  If you haven't already met this wonderful person in heaven, please read about her life and make sure and have a chat with her.  You won't be sorry!

You can read about St. Philomena here.
Learn about the cord of St. Philomena here.
(St. Philomena cords can be purchased in many places or easily made, but these are fairly priced, I think.)

But, most importantly, don't forget to start your NOVENA PRAYER TO SAINT PHILOMENA on Monday!

Feastday: August 11

9 Day Novena starts Monday August 3 – 11

There are many novenas, but here is one:

O faithful virgin and glorious martyr, Saint Philomena, who works so many miracles on behalf of the poor and sorrowing, have pity on me. Thou knowest the multitude and diversity of my needs. Behold me at thy feet, full of misery, but full of hope. I entreat thy charity , O great Saint! Graciously hear me and obtain from God a favourable answer to the request which I now humbly lay before thee.

(Here specify your petition)

I am firmly convinced that through thy merits, through the scorn, the sufferings and the death thou didst endure, united to the merits of the Passion and death of Jesus, thy Spouse, I shall obtain what I ask of thee, and in the joy of my heart I will bless God, who is admirable in His Saints. Amen.

And here are some more wonderful prayers for this sweet saint's intercession:

Prayer to Saint Philomena for growth in virtues

O glorious virgin, whose glory God has been pleased to make known by singular miracles, we address ourselves to thee with entire confidence! Obtain for us that, following thy example, we may fight courageously against whatever is opposed to the reign of Jesus Christ in our hearts; that we may adorn our souls with virtues like thine, particularly with that angelic purity of which thou art the perfect model; and that, inflamed with the love of Jesus, we may continually walk in the way which He has marked out, so that we may one day partake of thine everlasting happiness. Through our Lord Jesus Christ who with the Father and the Holy Ghost lives and reigns, one God, in perfect Trinity, forever and ever. Amen. 

Short daily Prayer for those who wear the cord of Saint Philomena

O Saint Philomena, Virgin and Martyr, pray for us, that through thy powerful intercession we may obtain that purity of mind and heart which leads to the perfect love of God. Amen.

(The blessing of the cord prayer says: “O Lord Jesus, grant that whoever wears this cord may merit to be defended from every danger, and may receive the health of the soul and of the body.”


  1. I pray a daily rosary for my ongoing conversion..and those of my family and those who are away, esp. Someone told me a bit about this little saint and I have asked her along with St. Rita of Casica, St. Jude, among others, to truly pray with me. Some things have been moving in a better direction. God bless and keep sharing about her. :)
    (I'm Suzanne..a blogging buddy of Sarah's in HA..another worm at times!) :)

  2. dangit!

    I've missed the beginning! I talk to philomena daily for 3 specific things. and actually have this novena typed out in my purse, but have fallen away from using the novena and rather use my own words. I'll have to play catch up with the novena......


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