Monday, July 26, 2010

Makes My Monday

Sunday Night at the Drive In

Our little valley has the last two drive-ins still surviving in Colorado.

We heard there was a cartoon double feature last weekend and jumped at the chance to go!

The parking lot was full of moms and dads who sometimes chose (like I did, because the seat was more comfy) to sit in the front seat of the car while the kids took their places right in front of the family sedans or minivans in camp chairs.

The heat dissipated as the sun sank behind the movie screen.   Crickets chirped, mosquitoes buzzed.   The children who had beenrunning around their cars, playing with the speakers, and crisscrossing back and forth to the candy stand all calmed down and took their seats.  The screen finally lit up.   And everyone -- moms and dads, too -- stepped into the world of Woody and Buzz and Andy. A summer night at the Drive In -- an experience my parents remember and my children now share.  Wholesome good fun. Stuff memories are made of.

Note to self:  Clean windshield and fix crack before next time.

More Monday posts over at Cheryl's!


  1. Very cool! I'm such a tired momma at night, I'm not sure I could make it through a movie that starts at dark!! It does sound like fun though!

  2. Oh. My Gosh. How PERFECT! YOur images capture that Americana aspect so perfectly---we have a semi-new drive in, and now you've completely motivated me to get our crew there.

    Your wonderful experience, and the fact you documented it so beautifully, Makes My Monday.

    thank you so much for playing along!

  3. They used a speaker??? Most places I know short wave the movie and you tune in on you car stereo!!

  4. The town we lived in for 20 years and my son and his family still live in (Erda) Utah still has a drive-in and it is so busy each summer. Double features every weekend and before the end of the summer they have an all nighter! It is so fun and amazing, that is where the trunk-or-treat is held each Halloween! Trunks of cars are decorated and prizes given out for best trunks and is so fun! I love going to the drive-in with the grand kids now... small towns are such a wonderful memory maker!


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