Monday, July 19, 2010

Makes My Monday

Our Handsome Marine in His Dress Blues!

Paul's been wanting a sword like this since he was about four years old...

Thanks for modeling, Paul!  And thanks for the pics, Nicole!
We love you guys!
More Makes My Monday posts over at Cheryle's!


  1. ahhh that brings back a lot of memories! I married a handsome marine and remember his dress blue uniform picture. Except...the marine corp took the photo and they were NOT allowed to smile. handsome your boy is! You really should be very proud!

  2. Such a handsome young man!!! Can see why you are so proud! Cathy

  3. So incredibly dashing and heroic!

    His obvious happiness (and yours!) Makes My Monday.

    Thank you so much for playing along.

  4. So glad he finally got that sword!!


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