Friday, July 9, 2010

Looking at the sky... Western Colorado!

Here's what the day looked like as it began on Monday: bright and sunny, with a flock of fluffy cumulo nimbus gathering overhead.

Then, as the afternoon passed, the sky changed and a storm south of us sent us a flag of a rainbow to warn us...

That it was coming our way...

But, no worries. It passed overhead...

Flipped its tail feathers at us and was gone with the setting sun.

More Looking At the Sky on Friday over at Crazy Working Mom!


  1. Oh, my goodness! That picture of the landscape and rainbow made me physically gasp at its beauty! Amazing.

  2. What glorious pictures!!!! The rainbow is grand and the sunset is exquisite! Sigh! Cathy

  3. Wow Lisa, you and your family are so blessed to have found such a beautiful place to live! The sunset is absolutely amazing!

  4. awesome!!

    love this post, pics and commentary alike!

    how's the unpacking going?

    I may need relocation tips soon...I hope!


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