Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Oh, my gosh!

I got back from a four-hour lunch with my friend, Lucinda, this afternoon and sitting on my dresser waiting to be signed was a contract to sell the farm!  I expected to see it, though, as  Dan actually texted me the news mid-afternoon.  Lucinda and I did a celebratory jig and hug right there in Panera Bread in front of the drink fountain. 

Here's the scoop:

The buyers are the first people who have looked at our house.  I'm tellin' ya.  No kidding.

If all goes well, the closing date will be July 1st, the feast of the Precious Blood, and the new owners will gain possession on July 4th, Independence Day.  (Significant, that?)  Now it's just a bit of a waiting game to be sure the buyers' house in Wyoming sells; that closing is supposed to happen on Father's Day weekend, a week and a half a way.  So we continue to pray, but...  Wahoo!  They look like nice country folks who will take care of the place and use it as it's meant to be used.  God is good.  And we're strongly thinking that novena to St. Joseph was very powerful, indeed.

Now I gotta start thinking of packing.  And we've got to find a house to live it! 



  1. Great news! Praying that it all goes well!

  2. Praying that it all goes well! How exciting!!!

  3. Good news! Good luck finding that house!

  4. congratulations on selling. We did a novena to St. Joseph too when we were looking for this house and he came through in every way for us.

  5. That is great news Lisa! Any ideas where you want to end up?

  6. Congratulations.!
    Praying all goes smoothly for you in the weeks ahead.

  7. What good news!!!!! God is indeed good...All the time!!!!! Will you be going back to te Western Slope? It's hard to believe is was just a week ago we were in Denver walking in City Park!!! Wishing you well on your house search! God will provide!!! Cathy

  8. its a great news you got that house. well thanks for your information.
    god bless you

  9. Good for you....I see a nice home in your future. Good things ahead.

  10. hmmm, maybe I've been asking St Joseph for the wrong things......thinking I might change up which saint gets asked for what...

    I guess this weekend will tell all.

    happy packing....and house hunting!


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