Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Outside My Window
May 12, 2010

(There are no words.)


  1. Where I am (Northern Colorado), they are saying more snow tonight! I'm ready for warm weather! I did NOT want to pull my coat back out. Surely this is the last cold spell.

  2. Indeed! (sigh) I guess I should bring my winter coat when we travel there the 1st part of June...Never take anything for granted in CO! Cathy

  3. That's what happens when you live in beautiful Colorado! Here in S. Illinois it just gets hot, very hot and humid. And it stays that way all summer long.
    We end up in the house most of the time unless we are by water!
    Love Di ♥

  4. Trying to send you some Hawaiian sunshine!

  5. you've got to be pooping me, right??!!!!

    geee whizzz.

    that totally...umm....well...stinks!!


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