Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Went To The Museum of Nature & Science Today

Got to go with these guys. 
 L-R: Our good friend, Joseph, Theresa, Gabe, William, our good friend, Philomena, Anna, Michelle, and Cathy.

We always have a blast at the museum and thoroughly enjoy all the exhibits.  We go through all the wonderful animal dioramas, the gemstones, Space Odyssey -- and we especially love our mummies and dinosaurs, but the interactive exhibits are always a really big hit -- especially this thing.  We'd have one in our living room if we could figure out where to get one... 

See how it works?

You push into the grey side and you can go around to the red side to see your "handy-work."

Or whatever you push into the thing.

Like this:

Neat, huh?  Can you tell who they are?


  1. In just 4 weeks we'll be home again and this stop is on the top of our list. This was a summer journey every year as a child. Thank you for the grand pics!!! I'm soooo excited! Cathy

  2. This is neat Lisa, wish I had one!
    Love Di ♥

  3. Me and my kids would so be fighting over this!!!!

  4. That's way cool. I've seen small ones in the store

  5. that is pretty cool! I have also seen then on a smaller scale. You could have a huge one in your entry way...each time a child comes home they could check in...and check out by facing themselves! LOL and BTW CONGRATS on becoming a GRANDMAW! it is the best thing EVER!!!!! hugs...


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