Thursday, May 27, 2010

On the Road Again

Just got back from here:
With these sweet little travel companions:
And this morning I'm heading here:

With these guys:

(sorry... blurry... having camera problems these days... )

Got home from Breckenridge last Saturday and rested for a day, then headed out again Monday afternoon.  Spent a very nice couple of days in Western Colorado, visiting with the Sisters at our old parish and helping them with a couple of year-end projects. Played in the waterfall in Ouray and checked out a really cool little museum, then got home last night around 9:30.  Now, it's quarter to seven (AM) and I'm getting in a last cup of coffee before I head out with Paul and Nicole to drive their two cars out to Virginia where Paul will begin his Marine training at Quantico.    I'll be back Sunday afternoon.  And then I'm just going to sit for about a week I think.  And do some catching up with my blog friends -- and laundry. Hope all is well with everyone!  If you have a minute, can you send up a prayer for our safe journey?  Thank-you so much!


  1. Saying a Hail Mary for you right now. Wow, Colorado to Virginia? That is some trip. Do you collect souvenirs?


  2. You know that I will be praying for your safe journey Lisa. And I wish you a wonderful time. The children are beautiful! Love Di ♥

  3. Glad you're not bored or anything!

  4. Dear Lisa,
    Wow lots of travel for you.
    Enjoy the time.
    I have an award for you on my blog
    God Bless


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