Monday, May 17, 2010

Makes My Monday

This Guy on This Big Day...

Look at that smile!

A rainbow of honors cords.

Paul J. Davis
Bachelor of Business Administration-Management; Business Administration-Entrepeneurship
Mesa State College
May15, 2010

Go see Cheryl for more Makes My Monday happiness!


  1. Congratulations to him...what a great accomplishment!

  2. Fantastic! Well done! Now, get to work! (j/k - have some fun first).

  3. Congratulations to your son Lisa! He is a very handsome young man.
    Love Di ♥

  4. Heartiest congratulations!!!!! Well, done Mom and Dad!!! Cathy

  5. Woot woot! What's next? Boot camp ??

  6. Look at that smile indeed! He looks so justly proud...I imagine you were smiling just as brightly!

    Congrats to all....and thank you for Making My Monday!

  7. Wow!
    What a beautiful set of pictures. Oh Lisa you really must be so proud.
    By the way you may have already received this one. But you're just going to have to receive it again from me :)
    I've got something for you over at my blog!


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