Friday, April 9, 2010

Scrabble Wisdom

It's all about board games and Scrabble is an all-time favorite.  We've used it to good effect for teaching spelling and vocabulary over the years -- and the kids don't even know it's a learning tool.  (Sh! Don't tell them!)
And even though Anna (7) wasn't invited to play with the big kids this round, she used her time well, playing with the spare Scrabble game nearby. I don't know if everyone's as bad as we are about keeping all the pieces to games, but, we've found it necessary to stock up on extra sets of our favorite games in order to piece together enough for one whole set. Is that pitiful or what?  But there are just too many people playing too much to keep it all straight.  Guess there could be worse problems. :o)

But, Anna had plenty of letters to work with; only a couple were missing from the dark brown set. See her Scrabble board below? Can you decipher it? 
She is a nut!
(and it would appear a somewhat dyslexic one...)


  1. Oh how I love to play scrabble!!! Anna's going to do very nicely! I can tell! Wishing you a grand weekend! Cathy

  2. What a clever Gal! We used to play a lot of Scrabble but we lost a lot of the pieces. We mostly play Yahtzee, Dominoes or Trivial Pursuit now! Have fun. Love Di ♥

  3. The thing that barks chewed up two letter stalls and several letters.

  4. I love board games and we don't play enough. Don't worry about missing's like the missing socks thing, so they are all in outer space and maybe we will see them in Heaven!!

    Love the fast that Anna can be happy and clever on her own!

    blessings and hugs,


  5. Is my comment here? Where did it go and why isn't it showing? Hmmm...let's try it and see what happens now...

  6. oh yes! I want two nuts please! or maybe 9?? teeheehee.

    my kids are just now getting old enough to start ye ol chutes and ladders ;-)


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