Friday, April 23, 2010

Outside my window...

This morning in Colorado...

Spring is when you feel like whistling
 even with a shoe full of slush.

 ~ Doug Larson


  1. We had a real hard freeze last night up here in New York....luckily, no snow....

  2. cuh-razy!!!

    We're gearing up for bad storms tonight and tomorrow -- which reminds me, I need to go find my crank-up flashlight!

    Friday (yay!!!) Hugs!

  3. I saw today on the weather channel that it was snowing there! I hope it passes soon Lisa and you can enjoy some REAL spring weather!
    Love Di ♥

  4. So you did get snow!!! Ron said y'all got snow on Monument Pass and I25 is closed. Well, it's not May yet. Oh the memories!
    wishing you well! Cathy

  5. Do you ever print out your pictures and use them as greeting cards? They are so pretty.

  6. oh dear Lisa, I am not sure I would be whistling I think I would be crying! But I do see the beauty of the roses!


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