Sunday, April 18, 2010

Makes My Monday

The first bonfire of spring...

Building the fire: first the brush, dry grass and sticks, then the logs when it gets going good.
Now posing for Mom (even Brigid, the foofoo-dog).
Such silliness.
Uncle Steve telling a crazy Uncle Steve story...
William believing every word of it.
(No worries.  I explained to him later that there really wasn't a wild albino that lives out in the tall grass and howls at the moon at night.)
Dan just getting the fire going (above).

Now it's really blazing (below), and the marshmallow roasting can begin.  Like so:

(Hot there by the fire.)
(But worth the suffering)

A lovely way to end a soft Spring day.
And a lovely memory to begin the week.

Make sure and run over to Cheryl's for more Makes My Monday Moments


  1. am I invited?
    I'll bring the chocolate....uh, you'll have to help me with how MUCH to bring though. haha.

  2. I have an idea!!
    You can make your cool farmhouse into a DUDE ranch except people have to PAY to come live with you all for a week and share the experiences of big Catholic family life......and you can pay zany Uncle Steve to come over and tell his crazy tales to the guests.
    Brilliant- right?

  3. I have not seen a pic of Stephen in years! But, from what I can tell, he looks just like Dan! Wow! Sounds like so much fun! I am really wanting to go camping and fishing now!

  4. Really a wonderful post...LOVE the pictures! Cathy

  5. Great pictures and wonderful family time. Love bonfires and roasting marshmellows!

  6. I love a good bonfire! My mouth is watering just thinking about s'mores! Looks like a fun time. Thanks for stopping by today!

  7. Love, love, love this post Lisa!

    I love the third photo with the crazy random kid in the tree. Funny how I notice that and it makes me completely smile.

    And now I want a toasted marshmallow. I have marshmallows. Oh how I wish I had a gas stove. Yep, that's how we did it in suburbia. Over the gas stove.

  8. You are a cool family!! I just love your blog. It makes me smile.

  9. Yay for bon fires!! We had our first one of the season Sunday night too! Great minds :) And of course the obligatory s'mores were enjoyed by all. Even Luci got in on it.
    BTW, I saw you buzzing about a bit Sunday and kept thinking I needed to get over and say hi. I got caught up chatting with Ellen and before I knew it, kids were out of class and Jess was ready to be on our way.
    See you in a couple of weeks!


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