Friday, February 19, 2010

A No Sky Friday

From two Fridays ago...

The fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches 
and then moves on.

~Carl Sandburg

Our fog comes
on little cat feet, too.

It sits looking
over fields and fences
on silent haunches
and moves on.

To see Friday skies all over the country -- and even the world -- go see Crazy Working Mom, Tisha.


  1. Great shots; I especially like the first one..very Amsdel Adams-like!

    Have a great weekend, and lots of bright skies ahead!

  2. It is beautiful!
    Are you ready for spring?! I know I sure am. :)

    Thanks so much for playing along.


  3. Fog and snow both, what an interesting combination!

  4. We know the sky is there somewhere! It was just shy that day!

  5. I love the fog. I find it very mysterious. Love Di

  6. Lovely. Makes me miss Seattle and all those gloriously foggy mornings riding the ferry boat into harbor.

  7. I love fog!!!

    did you see my post on fog over the cemetery awhle back??

  8. Too funny! We (Belle and I) just read this poem for school last week.


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