Monday, January 4, 2010

Tip for the Day

My grandmother once said there were enough ways to fold a bath towel that every one of us could have our own way.  This proves the same about tee-shirts!  My friend who sent this said she bet we couldn't watch it just once.  She was right!

H/T:  Sparky (smiling, waving)


  1. well that is remarkable! I ended up watching it over and over again and watching other videos! Now I HAVE to go home and try it! It will drive me nuts until I get it just right! Part of being OCD!

  2. I'll bet that it's harder than it looks! Love Di

  3. Not only did I watch it more than once, I also went to Youtube so that I could save it.
    I have to learn that way.

  4. Thank God I don't really care.

    I so totally lied!

    I wish I did not see that!

    I'm going to go completely mad now.

  5. I'll bet the fabric makes a big difference in how well that works!

    like the new look over here! that pic is pretty!

  6. excuse me a moment while i run upstairs and get a t-shirt...i just have to try this...

    okay, i'm back...

    i did it! i even showed my husband and he said, "cool" (he was impressed, reall!)


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