Thursday, January 7, 2010

Me on a good day.

Me with insomnia.



  1. Giggle, giggle...

    So which "me" are you today?

  2. "Bla" today. I think I got about 4 hours sleep last night, woke up at about 3:30, said about a hundred random, drowsy Hail Marys and never did get back to sleep. Bla.

  3. have you tried books on tape? when i can't sleep i used to turn the light on and read, but the light would only wake me up even more. then i discovered books on tape...i listen in bed, in total darkness, and drowsiness comes very quickly.

  4. Oh, I am so with ya on your graphics! I know just what you mean!
    Sending wishes for better nights of sleep.

  5. I think my father has that second figurine with his WWI die-cast metal soldier collection. Is that what it is?
    Funny pictures.
    Good sense of humor.

  6. you poor thing,

    go back to bed and get some rest!!

  7. Oh I hate not being able to sleep! I just go with it anymore instead of fighting it. But I feel horrible the next day if I don't get at least seven hours of shut eye! Good luck Lisa! Love Di


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