Sunday, January 31, 2010

Makes My Monday

It's Official
Meet Mrs. and Lieutenant Paul J. Davis.

(More Makes My Monday Posts over at Cheryl's!)


  1. Congratulations to Lt. Paul Davis!! My son, Elijah, met him at boys camp and is hoping to follow his shoes to OCS. We'll see he's only 12, but his heart seems to leading him there. I will show him these pics. Congratulations again! =]

  2. Wow I can only imagine the pride you must be feeling right now! But maybe a little anxiety as well?I know I would. I will say many prayers for your son and all of our other boys as well. Love Di

  3. Wonderful pictures, brings back memories of my years with Mario in the the whole family wishes they could have been there.

    blessings and hugs and congratulations,


  4. Congratulations!! You must be so proud of him :) I rememeber pinning on Rob's collar devices when he was promoted to LCDR in our Navy days -- we have great memories of our years in the service and great friends from our travels.

    And thank you in advance to Paul (and Nicole!) for service to our country :)

  5. How exciting! Lots of new chapters for Paul and his lovely new bride!!! And yes, thank you to Paul for stepping up to defend our Country.


  6. How wonderful!
    Please thank Paul for us for the decision to give of his time and talent to defend our country!
    Blessings to Paul, his wife and your whole family.

  7. another name to add to my military prayer list....

  8. Best wishes to the Mrs. Lieutenant from a Mrs. Sr. Chief in the USN!! Prayers for Paul - be faithful in the little things! God bless you both!

  9. I remember those many years ago when i pinned Ron's Lieutenant's bars on him. Congratulations and prayers for them both Lieutenant and Mrs. Davis. It will be a cooperative effort. Cathy

  10. Warmest thanks from the bottom of my heart for your service! Godspeed!

  11. May God bless your whole family! Please thank the new Lieutenant for his service, and thanks to his beautiful bride and the whole family for the sacrifice of his time to our great benefit.

    SO Makes My Monday...and year.
    Thank you for playing along so meaningfully!


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