Tuesday, January 26, 2010

If this is what they're saying about a minivan, honey...

I'll just let you  take the next step up to what that says about
our fifteen-passenger van and your ten children...

Gonna have to get that thing back from the boys in Omaha and park it out front as a macho status symbol, I'm thinking... 

H/T:  Michelle at Rosetta Stone.


  1. There was only 7 of us and we had, at one time, TWO Dodge Maxivans!!!! We loved them. Made travel so comfortable! Manly, yes...carried all Rons dredging equipment when he was up on Clear Creek! YeaH!!! Have a grand day! Cathy

  2. I LOVE this commercial!! The first time I heard it, my chin dropped and I laughed myself into a stomachache! Jeremy just snickered. Every time it comes on, I turn the volume up because it gets a laugh out of me every time!

  3. eee gads...is the tide turning?? I'm almost afraid to hope!!

    we've gone from having more than 1 kid being a "drain on society" to being a statement of manhood?? plus the superbowl commercial attracting so much attention???

    oh I dare to hope,


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