Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Feast of the Epiphany

Our school table this morning.  (William doesn't know these coins have chocolate in them yet...)

Our Nativity Scene.  The Kings have arrived.

The shepherds have stepped back and are hanging out around the campfire with the sheep.

Planned today:

+ Read the history and customs and symbolism of the feast day, which are linked in this post and this post. Color some coloring pages (also found on those links), and make some crowns if we have time before Mass this evening.

+ Make Cathy's world-famous Magi Bread.  Though it's supposed to be reserved for today, she's been making loaf after loaf since before Christmas -- in lieu of the fruitcake I threatened to make.  Every batch she makes disappears in seconds.  The boys even made a special request and brought some back with them to Omaha.  But the two bundt-style breads we make today will go with us to a potluck tonight.  It is very, very good.  We highly recommend it.

+ Instead of the eastern-world cuisine we might have prepared, we'll be bringing crockpot enchiladas to the potluck after Mass just for ease of transport -- and because it's easy-peasy and delicious.

+ When we get home tonight we'll have the traditional Epiphany Blessing, where we'll use our blessed chalk to place Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar's initials with the year over our doorways. 

+ And we'll sing "We Three Kings of Orient Are..."
(Are you like me and retain a certain version of this song from your childhood that you have to consciously restrain yourself from singing? &:0)

1 comment:

  1. Such a festive place to visit this special day of celebration1 Cathy


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