Tuesday, December 1, 2009


We've got leftovers.  And leftovers of leftovers.  First the remnants of two turkeys -- one an eighteen pounder, another twenty-five pounds.  Then about half the mashed potatoes from thirty pounds of 'taters, which we purposely saved for the traditional Thanksgiving Friday potato cheese soup.  And the rest of the stuffin' and four or five pies.  Then the turkey soup I made with half the turkey.  And the rest of the potato cheese soup....

And the big boys are all at school (or off in their own little corners leading their semi-starved lives).  And us girls left at home...  We don't eat that much.  And there's no more room in the freezers -- either one of them.  What's a mom to do? 

Maybe it's time to raise piggies again...
The curly-tailed variety.


  1. Oh, my goodness. Sounds good, especially the potato cheese soup! YUMMY!! Cathy

  2. Girl, seriously. How many people did you feed?...

    Today I finished off the last of the leftovers...bye bye turkey...you were so good this year!

    And that first image of the worms or snakes in the fridge -- eeeewww!!! Could you imagine?!


  3. I've got a great fiesta casserole dish that uses I think 3 cups cooked turkey/chicken that I always use to kill some leftovers. kids love it! would you like me to find it for you?

    good news is your December grocery bill will be light...which opens up some funds for MORE PRESENTS....ahem. sorry the kid in me showed up suddenly......

  4. Actually I can tell you what my family always did. We prepped tons of T.V. dinners and wrapped them up and sealed them in foil and then a stack in zip locs for double protection from freezer burns and voila, we had ready to eat and grab wonderful homemade meals for days we just were too busy to cook a full meal! It was wonderful and my adult children are still doing this today with their own families! Form a factory line and just do it! :)


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