Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Cold here where we are!

How 'bout there where you are?

(The temp is six below here in Eastern Colorado right now, and that's not even counting the wind-chill factor! God bless my hard working one-year-old radiator!  It's cold in our house right now, but nothing like it would have been before we had central heat.  Many's the cold winter night when the kids would have to bring their blankets and pillows downstairs and sleep around the one radiant heater in the dining room, or near the wood stove in the living room to keep from turning into ice pops overnight.  Hard times. Character building we called it. And, as we see it, we've really done the children a favor by roughing it pioneer-style for so many years; they all have built-in, true as rain "when-we-were kids- life-was-really-rough" stories to use when they have children of their own, right?)


  1. yeah, it's pretty cold right now...about 45-50 degrees. downright frigid, right?.....right??.....RIGHT?????

    or not.

    wanna come visit me?

  2. 70 degrees here :-(
    That's just a little too warm for winter! We had a few days of 40 and 50 degree weather and then it vanished.

    I love your snowman graphic!

    AND, I agree with Anna about the header. Totally "appropriate" (what a sweetie!)

  3. Our weather last night was turbulent, created by a cold front meeting with a warm front .. lots of rain last night and some very gusty winds. This morning brings grey, misty skies ... I've often wondered how people in snow territory like those long winters? Personally, I love the snow, but would I love living in Colorado? YOU BETCHA!

  4. We're hovering around 65 today...call us winter wimps:)

  5. ahhh the good ole days of NO HEAT! BTDT been there done that too! good for the soul and also good for character building! Cute snowmen cartoon!

  6. 40 MPH winds and 28 degrees here...off to Atlanta tomorrow...BRRRRR I feel it here. Ron has fire in the wood burner.. Know what you mean about ruffing it...The old house we lived in had no heat upstairs either. We learned a lot about self preservation. Not a bad lesson to be learned!!! Thanks for this post. Brought back some wonderful memories!!! Cathy


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