Saturday, December 5, 2009


Because my resourceful and wonderful husband managed to get ahold of two highly-coveted DU vs CC hockey tickets for tonight!  Woohoo!  We're gonna go root for the old alma mater tonight!


*Remind me to tell you sometime about my finest hour -- which occured at a DU/CC game many moons ago...  Maybe I can get my husband guest-host for that post.  It's probably better told through his eyes -- and I don't want to look like I'm not humble...


  1. I fear this is a split household. DU here/better 1/2 CC (Those darn Colorado Springs roots!!!) Do enjoy!!!!! And my you have a lovely header! Cathy

  2. Have an amazing time! Catch a ball for me (oooh no, that's baseball). Dodge a puck for me!


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