Monday, November 9, 2009

Simple Woman Monday, November 9th

What I've been thinking...  Time flies so quickly!  Paul and Nicole have been married for a month now already.  Before I blink again, the next pair will be walking down the aisle.  Slow down, clock!

I am reading... Myself: The Darkness Does Not, by William Biersach  To the children: Coffee With Nonna and The Adventures of  Tom Sawyer

What I'm wearing... Brown, velvet jeans, a light blue knit blouse and a dark blue cardigan with brown buttons

What's new...  Kevvy is home from the seminary, having discovered that God's voice was not calling him there, but we're seeing an awful lot of Alena, lately, so we're thinking we know what God's voice may be saying.  (Or at least what Kevin is hearing...)

I am hoping...  We can find a cheap, but reliable car for Kevvy to drive to school and work with.

I'm thankful for...   Getting to spend time around such really awesome young people.  It keeps me young.
We're creating... A space in the cellar (and if you've ever seen the pictures, you know this isnot much space) for Mrs. Santa's Workshop.  (More on that later)

A few plans for the rest of the week... Nursing Dan back to health -- and trying to stay well myself.  All the children took their turns being sick last week, and Dan took his turn over the weekend.  The kids all had nasty chest colds, but Dan's illness seems worse; we're wondering if he's getting his turn with the H1N1, since he didn't get it when everyone else did.

Some of my favorite things (and From the Kitchen)... Spiced Pumpkin Latte, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting...  Thinking about pumpkin this morning -- with nutmeg, cinnamon, and allspice... Gonna have to do some baking this afternoon.  Except I'm supposed to be on a diet.  Blasted diet.  Drat it.  Never mind.

Here's a picture thought I'm sharing...

Gabe and William in the book nook...

Go see Peggy for lots of Daybooks today!


  1. you need to teach a mothering training course!

    HOW do you keep all those books ON THE SHELF in the book nook??????

    I seem to always have books and toys strewn everywhere!

  2. Ya know, MM, I do have a couple tricks up my sleeve about that... I need to post on it one of these days1

  3. Thank-you, Cathy, The two of them have their moments, to be sure, but they get along really well most of the time. It does a Mommy's heart good to catch these moments, though, ya know? That's why I had to sneak this picture. The quality is grainy because I took it at a distance with a zoom in low light-- but I didn't want to ruin the moment by letting them see me snapping my camera. &:o)

  4. I couldn't find your today's daybook. I enjoyed reading this one. Your blog is very interesting. I hope you have a wonderful week. God bless, Doylene


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