Friday, November 6, 2009


"You shared the spark,

You fanned the flame,
You fed the fires,
You passed the Names.
For all those known and
For all unnamed,
For all who have walked the Way..."

-- Mike Garofalo,
We visit here
And pray this day."

Yesterday (Thursday), we visited the Historic Cemetery near Central City, Colorado:

Whose feet these are --
I'm sure you know,
Clad in flipflops
In the Snow --

Our dear Michelle's;
I bet you knew.
It's a wonder that
Her toes aren't blue!

Gather ye Rose Hips, while ye may!

Neighbors of the cemetry.  See the beautiful old stone outbuildings in the background?  The homestead seems to be long gone...  But it makes you wonder about who once lived here.  I wonder if they lie in the cemetery nearby?

After our visit to the cemetery, and a couple De Profundis and Eternal "Rests Grant Unto Them," plus a little picnic in a grove of pine trees among the tombstones, we, of course, had to stop at a park in a town nearby. 

Anna Banana (6)

Cathy in her favorite flying pig jacket (9)

Gabey (5), a blur as he spins on this crazy playground apparatus.  (The kids want one of these for our yard, but I'm not sure they're not already dizzy enough without one...)

Theresa (10), a rare moment when she has neither a book nor pencil in her hand...

William (3);  I cant' wait 'til his front teeth grow in!


  1. Lisa, love the story of the Historic Cemetary -- boy, do you give your kids great opportunities for learning, or what?! :)

    And snow -- I can't even imagine. We haven't even turned on our HEAT yet. I know. Don't hate me.

    And I love flying pigs! Everyone should have a flying pigs zip-up!

    Friday HUGS!

  2. Oh how cute little William is. He could have passed as a baby vampire on Halloween! So funny that his front teeth haven't come in yet! They will be STRONG TEETH when they do! but ohhh so out! That was a nice little outing to the cemetery. I love how everyone went through the gate and not around the gate when entering.

  3. Oh William looks adorable toothless! They are all adorable. And flip flops in the snow, not for me but I know one of my girls who would!
    Beautiful children Lisa!
    Love Di

  4. nah, cuz when they do the kid suddenly looks GROWN!!

    now, why'd he have them pulled so young??


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