Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Just got this in my e-mail...

...and thought I'd better pass it along! 
(Sheesh! The things we have to worry about these days!)

>>>Check your Driver's License

I already removed mine. I suggest you all do the same. Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the Internet, including your own! I just searched for mine and there it was...picture and all!

Thanks Homeland Security! Go to the web site, and check it out.
It's unbelievable!!! Just enter your name, city and state to see if yours is on file.

After your license comes on the screen, click the box marked "Please Remove." This will remove it from public viewing, but not from law enforcement. Please notify all your friends so they can protect themselves too.

Believe me they will thank you for it.




  1. I hope everyone does this and thanks you like I am thanking you now . . . . with a huge smile. Whew, I am safe from stalkers!!

  2. It's not nice to pick on sick people!
    Thanks for the heads up Lisa.
    Love Di

  3. No trouble atall, girlfriends.. I'm always pleased to pass these things along... (snicker,snicker)

  4. uh-huh, thanks...I'll be sure and let my hubby know!

  5. Oh my goodness! I've got to tell all my facebook friends!!

  6. LOL!!! Thanks you Lisa!! =]


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