Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday Morning, Bright and Early

A week and a day ago...

Right before the boys all left to go back to Omaha after a week of wedding excitement.

For morning music, Carlos (l) is playing the piano with son, Jon (r); our friend, Christopher, is sitting next to drowsy William on the couch.

You see Theresa popping up in her grey tee shirt, Michelle is eating her cereal, and Kevvy is on the computer. The bags are packed and waiting by the front door and the house is a typical Monday morning mess, but, well, gee... you might as well see us as we are. Some of us are morning people, and some of us aren't. (I'll let you see if you can figure out which are and which aren't.)

The big news around here is that Kevin drove back with the boys to Omaha last Monday morning, spent a prayerful few days, had some good talks with his seminarian and priest friends and decided that he had heard the Voice he joined the Seminary to listen for. Though he loved the classes and thoroughly enjoyed his fellow seminarians and instructors, he felt God was calling him to a holy life outside of the priesthood. So, he took the train home last Friday, and is out job hunting right now. He'll likely start some classes at a community college in town next semester, and is currently pursuing another project he feels he's been called to investigate for his future course. Stay tuned for details...


  1. Your family looks lovely and your life appears idyllic, even with a Monday mess. I so enjoy reading your blog and hearing the wonderful music which always eminates from your home. May God truly bless you and yours.

  2. What a lovely Monday morning! What a pleasure it must be to hear the piano through the house. :)

  3. I so enjoy your "Home Tours." They are so comfortable and welcoming!! Thank you! Cathy

  4. Loved it, had to watch the video twice and only wished it was longer.

    What a preciously sweet smile you got from Theresa..she is so huggable!

    The two littlest guys were also being just adorable and they certainly seem nice and perky in the mornings (I am a morning person too and can drive non morning people a little wacky with singing and such in the morning).

    blessings and hugs,


  5. poor little YumYum couldn't quite get his eyes to stay open huh??

    love your antique piano!

    makes me wanna come and play...but I have a question...how did you get only TWO playing the piano at a time...and both playing the SAME SONG?? I've about given up playing for now as I always have 6 extra hands helping....each making up their own tune .... complete with words, yodelling and random page turnings!! your music sounds so SEDATE by comparison.


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