Saturday, October 3, 2009

Shine On, Shine On, Harvest Moon

Harvest Moon October 3rd-4th this year! Join us in watching the moon rise tonight where you live and pray for our nation and our world as we head into this fall season!

Three Moonscapes by artist Caspar David Friedrich:

Moon Rising Over the Sea

Two Men Contemplating the Moon

Easter Morning

Landscape in Moonlight by Simon Lathurin Lantara

Dovedale by Moonlight by Joseph Wright

Unknown Artist

Unknown Artist


  1. It is indeed a glorious moon tonight!!! Cathy

  2. This so neat Lisa. Jake and I were outside having a fire last night and took some photos of the Harvest Moon!
    I loved the pictures that you posted, very nice!
    Love Di

  3. I didn't get here until the 5th, but I saw the moon Saturday night as dh and I were on our way out and I really wanted to take a picture of it---it was so beautiful. Alas, no camera handy.

    Sara@AShowerofRoses ---for some reason my son's gmail is showing up!


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