Thursday, October 29, 2009

From fall leaves to snow in a week. Gabe was up bright and early taking care of business this morning. He had to because our little foofoo dog, Brigid, won't go outside to, um, take care of business if there's snow on the ground... And Gabe does a good job of taking care of little Brigie.

So, here we are today in Colorado.  We have five or six inches now and it's still snowing out here on the plains.  We hear the foothills are gaining on two feet of snow!  How's the weather in your part of the world today?

(Check out this icicle Michelle found hanging outside the front door!)


  1. We are kind of on the edge of the plains and the foothills. We had 13 inches this morning, with around 6 more expected today. The sky seems to be lightening now (Thank you, God!), so hopefully it's about done. It's a lot to shovel!

  2. And here I was ... scrolling down and thinking Michelle was holding a ski.

    Silly, silly me ... but we're still wearing short sleeves here, so what do I know?? :)

  3. Holy cow! I have a cousin in Denver. Her Facebook said Snow Day but I thought she was kidding! Guess not!

    We got lucky; it's a little warmer here so it's been POURING rain. Buckets and buckets and buckets.

    Enjoy! :)


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