Friday, September 18, 2009

We had a hankering...

Theresa and I had the media player on random just now and heard the Irish folk song,  Dúlamán, come around from one of the cds the boys have collected.  We both decided the boys sing it better, and had a hankering to hear their version.  Since we had it out, we thought we'd share it...  We get the biggest kick out of their enthusiasm!

(l-r: Jon, good friend Justin, Kevin, and Dominic, last spring)


  1. that is so cool! They are great singers!

  2. Wow! They have great voices! What a blast you must have sitting around and singing!

  3. How awesome! What a gift they have -- and what kind of room are they in? Almost looks like a corn silo....

  4. Love listening to your boys sing. I agree with the other commenter - it must be so much fun to sit around singing in your home.


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