Thursday, October 1, 2009

Update: Wedding Dresses, Etc.

Pt. II
The little girls, who will be flower girl helpers and bubble girls, etc. needed some kind of chapel veil that would coordinate with their black and ivory dresses .  I looked around and the cheapest I could find were $12 -- each.  And of course we couldn't have that...  So I bought the materials at Hobby Lobby to make our own.  Since all the ribbon was half off and tulle was only .76 a yard, everything cost less than $10 and I have enough goodies to make five or six flowered wreaths if I had a mind to.  I'm just making three, though, for the littlest girls.  Tonight I finished the wreaths, except for the baby's breath which I'll buy fresh the Thursday before the wedding. Tomorrow, I'll work on the tulle. So, less than three bucks a piece and less than an hour to make each.  I'll take pictures when I'm finished.


  1. I'm loving being a 'part' of this wedding and watching everything come together...thank you for inviting us in on it!

    blessings and hugs,


  2. Great idea Lisa, this is something that I would have done as well. As long as it was cost effective! Sometimes making it yourself can be more expensive! Have fun!
    Love Di

  3. My sister Liz made all the ones for the seven flower girls in her wedding -- and I know, like you, she did it very inexpensively. And we collected them and plan to reuse them for my brother's wedding next year. Is that tacky?..... :)


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