Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mostly Wordless Wednesday

Blessed with an abundance of...

Almost every summer's eve.

Fields full.
(But only this one volunteered in the garden)



Endless supply.

Practically endless supply of Wordless Wednesday entries at

Ordinary and Awesome today.


  1. I'm not sure I could honestly count an endless supply of zuccini as a blessing.....it'd be a bit of a stretch to be honest...cucumbers and tomatoes yes but zuccini???

  2. Many blessings for sure! Happy WW!

  3. It's nice to see someone really counting their blessings! ;)

  4. Way to remind us to continue counting ALL our blessings! Lots of great pictures -- I especially like the "Eleven!" :)

  5. yes, you are blessed. and i'd have to politely and respectfully disagree with Mighty Mom . . . an abundance of zucchini would be heavenly!

  6. Well, you had me totally confused...not that it takes much effort, but the numbers weren't correlating with the pictures taken until the last few. Now, if you REALLY wanted to make it both interesting and 'logical' (for pitiful me), you could have tried to gather all five dogs for a picture as well as the chickens and the goats.

    Your kids look terrific as always, but where was this picture taken and is it recent?

    I referenced your cute purple bell buttoned daughter in one of my posts a few days ago.

    blessings and hugs,


  7. Incredibly beautiful sunset! Thank you!! Cathy

    Please come and accept a gift for you!

  8. I loved all your photos Lisa. I especially love chickens!

  9. That was a very fun post today! I have too many words to post today, "the girls" went home to NC today (sigh). Now I have to sift through MANY pics and start posting again....

  10. Marcy ~ this was confusing, huh? But, it's because it's practically impossible to round up the dogs, the chickens or the goats for a group shot! &:o) (I wimped out!)

    And the pic of the kids was taken lst Saturday at my sister's house in town. We were there for my brother's birthday -- and the whole entire family was present and accounted for -- for the last time until the wedding in October. We thought we'd better take advantage of the opportunity for a family photo! They were only a little bit easier to round up than the animals would have been...


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