Saturday, August 8, 2009

Making Breakfast on a Saturday Morning

With Enya for background music, compliments of Jon.


  1. Would love to come to breakfast again. Thank you for the invitation! Cathy

  2. That ending was just too cute with your son wrinkling up his nose and saying "erghfhg" to you! I enjoyed this visit so much that I will go back for seconds...

    blessings and happy hugs,


  3. Dominic smiled up so sweetly when you called his name, but then you're daughter in the kitchen also had a very nice smile...too bad the adorable cartoon watchers didn't look up!

    Did I hear someone say mom in the background? Loved this little snippet, just loved it Lisa!

  4. s/b your NOT you're daughter...I drive myself crazy with my fast inaccurate typing.

  5. WOW! What a beautiful, relaxing morning scene!

  6. yikes that's a lot of people!!


  7. Okay, I loved many things about that video -- the kids all doing their assigned tasks -- working for the common good! :)

    I loved the little ones with bed head in front of the cartoons and your handsome son playing the piano. What a treat!

    I could almost smell the coffee and hear the sizzling sausage! :)

  8. A lovely clip of your life. I love it. Maybe one day I'll have the same. =) I also love your red cabinet doors.

  9. popped in a few days ago, listened to this video, and i've been playing all my enya cd's ever since.


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