Monday, August 31, 2009

Makes My Monday

This sign on a mountain trail
While on a hike before he left for school, Dominic and I had just been talking about girls  (and his own personal Becky Thatcher) when we saw this; we both busted out laughing at the appropriate timing.  We, of course, had to have a picture, and before he  left, Dominic was photoshopping it to make a sign for school, changing Mtn Bikers to Students and  the bike and horse to girls and boys... Don't know if he finished it or not.  I'm going to have to ask him the next time I talk to him. I'm wondering if the faculty have the same sense of humor as we do...
.I gotta say, it also makes my Monday that Dominic, our fifteen year old, will laugh and share with me like he does.  I miss his face this morning!
Lots more Makes My Monday posts over at Cheryl's!


  1. I can see why you would miss him.
    He's a cutie.

  2. You are so blessed to have such great kids! They always come home mom, just remember that. And when they do...they are never alone. Your home is going to be busting at the seams, even though it is already! Daughter-in-laws and just gets better!

  3. How wonderful to have open lines of communication with your teen.

    Even though teen daughter and I don't communicate so well these days I am thankful she talks to her Dad -- they've always had a much better relationship -- I think the two of us are too much alike and butt heads as a result. Or, may be it's just because she's a teenager. I don't know. They forgot to give me the manual at the hospital.

    At any rate, that smilng face would make my Monday too!


  4. Neat! I like it when kids have a sense of humor. He sounds like my husband. We have a whole file of pictures we just take of signs...just for the funnies.

    Stopping by from Makes my Monday

  5. I remember that my son, when he was a teen, used to talk with me like that. Katie has to be "in the mood" ! Those moments are priceless! He has a wonderful smile!
    Love Di

  6. What a creative son you have! Isn't it great when they still want to share with mom??!!!

  7. A talented young man. Off course, all yielding to horses makes so much sense to me.

  8. That "yield to" sign has me in stitches! Kind of like the 4-way stopsign and everyone has to hesitate to remember the protocol!

    What a doll your Dominic you are missing his face today.

    Your smiling, happy post Makes My Monday...thanks for playing along!

  9. That sign is funny! Very cute. Thanks for making my laugh on this monday.

  10. That yield sign is great . . . and you're son is, well, i can see why you miss him.

  11. What wonderful memories you have made this summer with your children, memories to cherish! God Bless!! Cathy

  12. I saw his face this morning, and this afternoon too! I'll give him a little smile tomorrow for you!

    He got an owie, playing sports over the weekend, so I gave him, the motherly "be careful!"


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