Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Loyal Friends

Suzy from Sailing by Starlight, and Cathy at A Bit of the Blarney, two of the dearest people I know on the internet, have graciously offered me the Loyal Friends Award. I think I have known both Suzy and Cathy as long as I've known about blogging and they're both truly loyal friends and inspirations. I feel blessed to know them. Thank-you, dear friends!

Some more people I feel blessed to know and to whom I'd like to pass on this award:

Bia, at La Dolce Vita -- because she is bright and fun and full of inspiration -- and because I love getting glimpses of her wonderful big Italian family.
Marcy, at Blessings Each Day -- because she has a contagiously loving and exuberant spirit --and because she makes me laugh every single day.
Joann, at Ten Kids and a Dog -- because she is the queen of creative, fun homeschooling -- and she takes the best photos of her gorgeous family.
Laura, at Catholic Teacher Musings -- because she is so hip and young and so wise at the same time -- and because she is the queen of good bad haikus.
Kim, at A Dog and Pony Show -- because she is so wonderfully genuine and kind -- and because she said she'd buy me some Starbucks and help me fold clothes if she could.

And there are many more dear, sweet ladies, old in-real-life friends and new friends that I'm just getting to know here. I wish I had time to add everybody. In fact, if you're reading this, please consider yourself on this award list!

Now, here are the rules:
1. Copy the loyal picture above and post it on your blog.
2. Pass it on to who you think who is/are deserving.
3. Leave a message to them
4. Pass as many as you want.
5. Message back or leave a comment to the owner.


  1. I'm almost 50...but thank you for the kind comment.
    You are a blogger role model to me.

  2. Bravo!!! You are the best at all you do and I am privileged to know you!!! Cathy

  3. I most humbly thank you for this sweet award, Lisa, although you do reward me with your posts on a regular basis and that is a true and enjoyable blessing!

    blessings and hugs,


  4. Oh Lisa, you are so kind! Thank you!

    I find it truly amazing that I have found such great friends through this blogging thing -- and I clearly know now our dear Lord allows people's paths to cross for a reason. HE is SO GOOD!

    And not only would I bring you Starbucks and help you fold clothes, I'd even come clean your kitchen! :)

    Thank you. I am humbled!

  5. Congratulations on your award Lisa. They are fun to receive!

  6. Lisa, because you are such a sweet lady and I soooo admire you and all that you do for your young sweet family, you are very deserving of this award! You probably have tons of followers you don't even know about! miles of smiles....lindalu

  7. thank YOU my loyal friend and reader!

  8. Thank you so much, Lisa!! I am so pleased to receive this, especially from you, because I admire the wonderful job you do as a holy, God-loving mother!!


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