Monday, August 10, 2009

Go see Cheryl for more week-starters!

Fran and Marlo Cowan, married 62 years, giving an impromptu performance in the atrium at the Mayo clinic. This is how I want to be when I grow up.

H/T: Sparky -- whose mom and dad are charming like this! (This was right up my alley, Spark!)


  1. so darling! I pray Chief and I still remain young at heart and in love after all the years! Seventeen this year - so far, we have a great track record! Tho' we should take up piano!

  2. Just love it and you should have no problem if you don't already can have your talented son teach both of you. What the heck...why don't you throw in a little dance (you knowhow to do the chicken dance? THAT would be romantic!)too, Lisa?

    LOVED the purple belly button girl...pls give her a hug from me just because I think she's adorable!

    blessings and hugs,


  3. That was a cute video Lisa! And I agree with you, I hope I'm like that when I grow up too!

  4. ME too!!! This was great!!! Only 21 years to go. :) Cathy

  5. I just sent it to my husband for inspiration.


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