Monday, August 24, 2009

Drying Off

After the Shower...

We met Saturday evening at a favorite Italian restaurant so Paul could get in on some of the fun. All the bridesmaids were there with us Eastern Slope gals and Nicole, plus one of Paul's friends, the boyfriend of one of our bridesmaids. Not like Paul would have minded being the only guy there, though...

Here's the happy couple -- are they too cute, or what?
We took advantage of the close proximity to get pictures of Paul with everybody.
Paul and Aunt Nina

Paul and Michelle

Paul and Theresa

Paul and Anna

Paul and Cathy

Paul and the bridesmaids, Brooke, Cassie, Ariana, and Alena
( Nicole's, sis, Beth, couldn't make it.)
Nicole with her bridesmaids (sans Beth)

Sunday morning, we got to go to Mass at St. Joseph's, our old parish, where we met up with our special friend, the girls' old teacher, Sr. K. It's always the best treat of visiting the Western slope, getting to see the Sisters there!

Then, we got to get a tour of an old friend's beautiful, almost-finished log home (the family built themselves!),

Here's the view from their windows. The camera didn't capture the San Juan mountains in the distance. Gorgeous. We almost built a house right next door to these friends. =sigh= Wasn't meant to be, I guess...

After the tour, we met Nicole and Paul for brunch, then headed back to Denver. Stopped in Paonia to get some organic peaches and pears. Dropped Alena off at her family's mountain home, and got home around 9:30. Boy, was I pooped. But it was a great weekend, full of fun and good memories!


  1. oh, how fun! Best of luck to Paul and Nicole!

    p.s. i love the bubble gum game . . . i'm thinking i can use that idea for a bible trivia contest for youth night, or . . . really, it's a great idea!

  2. Great pictures...impressive people building their own HUGE log cabin home and decks!! WOW!

    Loved all the pictures and what a good idea to catch Paul with everyone...think he and Cathy really look alot alike...two cuties. Of course ALL of your chldren are so cute!

    blessings and hugs,


  3. It sounds and looks like you had so much fun Lisa. And your photos were very nice.
    Love Di

  4. Lisa,

    You just amaze me! You're so good at documenting and re-telling the story!

    And I loved ALL the pics of Paul with his sibs. So precious!

    I'm a little bit jealous about that log cabin -- I love log cabins!


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