Friday, July 24, 2009

Upon Recovering From Swine Flu...

I've said it before:
Only good thing about pigs
Is in the freezer.

Go see Laura for more Bad Haiku Friday!

*Blame the little girls (dainty little things that they are) for the barfing pig pic up there, btw. They twisted my arm; I was gonna post this cute little guy on the left here...


  1. Well I must admit that I like your little piggy MUCH better than the girls...were they at all influenced by the boys??

    Hope and pray that you are feeling so much better.

    blessings and hugs,


  2. You are still in my prayers, Lisa!! Feel better soon!

    I, myself, enjoyed both pigs, although with the first one I thought, "Is that pig throwing-up?"

  3. What a grand and humorous haiku!! Hoping you doing well! Cathy

  4. Well, the barfing can be equated with flu, so I agree with the girlies, it was appropriate.

    I teach 5th grade, well 4th this year, and in the spring the town's middle and high school were closed due to H1N1. Those teachers get 5 days paid vacation, and eled teachers got a valuable lesson in life's-not-fair-deal-with it!

    Glad you're feeling better, even though we just met!

  5. At least the little guy still made it on there :-) Really hope you are feeling much better!! Glad you are able to laugh and make others laugh about it- you have clearly taken the whole thing in good spirits!

  6. oh the barfing one is MUCH MUCH better!

    gives your blog a certain...




  7. Oh dear Lisa, I feel so sorry for you! Although I don't think I was hit with the swine....I did have the flu and it was awful for 3 days! BLAAAAAHHHH BTDT been there done that! HOpe you are feeling better!

  8. I used to want a pet pig, how silly! My husband said that he'd have to eat it. Now I agree!
    Sure hope the little piggy leaves you soon Lisa!


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