Sunday, July 26, 2009

A few of my favorite things...

This cute little nose...

This perfect eyebrow...

These freckles...

This dimpled cheek...

This dimpled chin...
These lashes...
And lots more -- To be continued when I can get ahold of a few more of my favorite people and irritate them with my camera...
Do you know who these are, top to bottom? (I know you do, Nina...)


  1. what a fun way to tell us how much you enjoy these special people.

  2. do I know who they are??

    Of course I know who they are!!

    They're your kids you silly woman!!!!!


    glad you're feeling better dearie.

  3. oh...those lashes! No mascara in the world could do that.

    dimples, freckles, perfectly arched eyebrows . . . you have some beautiful children.

    but i still want those eye lashes! :)

  4. And all have smooth perfect skin.

  5. Too bad you can't take a picture of the cute personalities as well...actually, you have in many differnt ways when you show them doing their creative things!

    Great favorites you have here, Lisa!

    blessings and hugs,


    p.s. In today's post I found a new pet for you to consider adopting!

  6. I always like the back of babies and kids necks.

    Weird, perhaps, but when they are small, it's a great place for a sweet little kiss.

    I love how they each truly are a sum of their parts adding up to a wonderfully whole soul.


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