Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ah, Love...

I miss my dear hubby, who texted me from the bottom of the mountain at Boys' Camp this morning to tell me he missed me. ==sigh== And my future daughter-in-law, Nicole, misses my son, Paul, who is also at Boys' Camp this week. She texted me to tell me so. We're all just thinkin' about love... Except Paul, maybe... (Just kidding, kids!) We'll give Paul the benefit of the doubt and assume he's just not been in the situation where he could go down to the bottom of the mountain to be in range to text Nicole.

Gosh, but there are a lot of strange sounds at night when your husband's not in the house with you, aren't there? First, a big thunderstorm kept me up until after midnight, then, around 1 a.m. I kept hearing strange noises -- small stealthy noises... I couldn't figure out what it was. All the doors were locked and nothing seemed amiss. Even the dogs were all asleep. And, I finally did fall asleep, too, in the wee hours. Then I woke up this morning and found out the culprit. A little frog had found its way into my bedroom! Silly little thing. He's out in the garden now. (Imagine him thinking he'd find flies or mosquitoes in our house...)


  1. And it is soooo good when they arrive home! ertainly allow us time while they are gone to apprecieate them even more! wishing you the best! Caty

  2. How did you ever even catch the frog? Did you send one of the kids after it?

    When I first married a frog got into out rented home and I put a plastic box over him, then worried and found something I could put holes in then put lettuce up under there until Mario could come home and take him outside. That frog must have thought humans are one strange species.

    If you DO love someone absence certainly does make you appreciate their finer qualities like 'defenders against strange house noises'!

    blessings and hugs,


    p.s. Michael and I were both tickled by that funny the Sticky notes people want to encourage that useage!!!

  3. Cathy ~ Yes, indeed! Absence makes the heart grow fonder...

    Marcy ~ I ain't afraid a no frog in broad daylight! &:o)) I picked him up and threw him out the door (after laughing at myself for being up half the night on account of a silly old frog!)...

  4. nope, no flies in your house! none at all....I know this cuz you told me so!!


  5. I was a single mom for 19 years and slept just fine. The past 2+ years since I've been married have taken some getting used to (snoring never bothered me when I was the only one doing it), but when Brad's out of town, it's really hard to go to sleep.

    Hang in there frog lady!

  6. One of the boys probably brought it in the house in his pocket!

  7. beautiful prints of our Lord and Savior. Thank you for sharing.


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