Saturday, June 20, 2009

The World According to Gabe

What a five-year-old snaps pictures of when his Mommy teaches him how to use the camera and says: Have at it, kiddo.

"Don't take my picture, kid."

Thank goodness the toilet was clean and my toenails were polished...


  1. I did a similar thing with Christopher. Fortunately he didn't take photos of my toilet or feet. My feet are not nearly as nice as yours are Lisa.

    I think everyone should get their young children to take photos and see what life looks like from their perspective.

  2. My first thought was..Wow..Atleast the toilet is clean! heheheeee.. What a handsome boy!

  3. The picture of Bella is cute. The piggy one as well. =)

  4. What I would love to know is WHY he chose the subjects he chose...that would be soo interesting! Like a little caption by each one!

    Who has such pretty and natural curly hair that he took a picture of?

    Please tell him that I thoroughly enjoyed his photos but to give some reasons or thoughts next time.

    blessings and hugs,


  5. When my 2yo gets the camera, my backside ends up in half the pictures. lol

  6. I think I like the one of the toilet best as it made me LOL. My kids are too old to do this project with . . . although some pics they take are just strange! Thanks for this fun post!

  7. hehe... these are great. i, too, like the doorknob. and i thought the same thing when i saw the toilet... i bet she's glad it's clean =)

  8. When we go on big, family vacations we always provide the boys with their own disposable cameras . . . it's always a treat to see what the took a picture of.

    When we were in Italy, their favorite photos were of themselves making silly faces in the car, train, or plane. Then there were all the photos of ice cream and pizza.


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