Wednesday, June 24, 2009

(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday

A lazy summer afternoon, a new Nancy Drew, and the hammock all to
herself. It just doesn't get any better.

Theresa (10) is just like her mommy and loves a good summer read.

More Mostly Wordless Wednesday posts over at Ordinary and Awesome!


  1. I could never get enough of Nancy Drew so many and asked for them as presents.

    Tell Theresa see just looks so cute and adorable in that hammock reading...makes me want to hug her!

    blessings and hugs,


  2. how fun! Wish I were that young again, with not a care in the world except the adventures of Nancy Drew! Does she favor your looks? She looks like she might be your little clone!

  3. Certainly, nothing like it! And Nancy favorite! Cathy

  4. Looks like a relaxing with a good book.

  5. Marcy ~ She is huggable! But, there'd likely be a book between ya! &:O)

    Linda ~ She does look a lot like me ~ especially in the amount of curl in her hair. But, she's dark eyed, and I was blonde, at least when I was little. Actually, if you could cross Theresa and Cathy, that'd be me as a little girl.

    &;O) They're both way cuter than I ever was, though.

    Cathy ~ Nancy was always my favorite, too. We don't have quite all the series, but pretty close, as I started collecting them when I was about ten years old!

    Stacie ~ Doesn't that look like the place to be? If there weren't so many mosquitoes out there today, I'd get me a glass of iced tea and head out there, myself.

  6. I'm coming to steal that hammock, with or without the kid in it!!


  7. just seeing a nancy drew books brings back so many memories. i've seriously considered re-reading some of them. but then i remember that i don't have time to read all the other books i want to read.

    reading in a hammock would be divine.

  8. Lisa,

    in your box, when you get it...I believe I stuck in there what looks like a blue crocheted donut more or less.

    This is a doll's skirt that my grandmother made, maybe a barbie doll?? I thought your girls would like to play with it.

    I just wanted you to know what it was. ;-) the rest is up to your imagination....

  9. That sounds just like me at her age. I miss being able to sit and read a nice book with no worries. Lovely photo!

    Happy WW from Sara @ The Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

  10. That is my idea of heaven: a good book and a hammock (Nancy Drew's latest mystery wouldn't hurt, either!)


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