Sunday, May 24, 2009

What To Do If There

---- if there is a hitch in the git-along and you accidentally, somehow, mysteriously hit the publish button and post half a title and you don't even realize it....

I guess you just say "OOPS!" and "Sorry!" &:o)

** Added this after I published the finished post and looked back and found just the half-title up there.....


  1. Well, Lisa, this post is certainly short, but I doubt it's to the point because I keep on looking and no 'points' are coming up!!

    What to do if there...
    so many possibilities here, guess we could use our imaginations.



  2. HAHA! So sorry, Marcy! I didn't even know I did this! But, I went back and added something under the half-title! And then published the finished post!

    Gee, whiz! Silly me!

    Did the actual post meet up to your imagining? &:o)

  3. now that's just too funny!

    glad to see you back!

  4. So glad to know I am not the only one who has these "hitches." And even better to know that I am in the privacy of my own whome when it happens! :) Cathy


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