Friday, May 15, 2009

This is the little boy...

... who wasn't tired ~ and didn't want to take a nap.

I love how he covered himself up and made a little bed for his toy spider.

(There's a whole other post in this, isn't there ~ all about the toy preferences of boys vs. girls...)


  1. Oh my!! on the STAIRS no less!

    poor pumpkin.

  2. Oh my goodness! It hit me as I looked at how cute he is . . . he is on the stairs!! LOL

    Blessings to you and yours!

  3. i have found (as i am sure you know) that the louder they declare they are NOT sleepy just means that they are; in fact, their loud protestations just proves our point.

    That is the cutest photo.

  4. LOL! How cute! For the longest time, my 3 yo would wake up from his nap before he was really done sleeping, and make himself cozy on the stairs, not unlike your little one. He would sleep there for at least an hour (and oh, how we'd tiptoe so as not to disturb him!) It must be more comfy than it looks. :)


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