Monday, May 11, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook, May 11th

What I've been thinking... I'm looking forward to having Jon and Dominic home from school next week. We'll have eight of our children home under one roof, and one right across town. =sigh= Only Paul won't be close at hand. But, I'm sure we'll get to see lots of him an Nicole this summer, as they'll be working hard on their wedding plans in the Denver area.

I am hearing... a wagon being pulled outside on the patio, children coming and going out the door, Alice in Wonderland playing in the background and nobody watching it... (What's with that?)

I am reading... Actually, I haven't had much time to read, but I'm still working on The Endless Knot, by William L. Biersach -- in little leftover oases of time. So, for instance, while I drink my breakfast smoothie, I have time to read a paragraph about how the priest-sleuth's sidekick, Martin, is getting into a jeep to go somewhere to track down a clue ~ and then, by lunchtime the next day I read the next paragraph to find out where he's going. The action loses a little bit in the protracted reading thereof...
I am hoping... the wind dies down today so I can get some more bedding plants in the ground and hang some clothes on the line.
What I'm wearing... blue capris, red cable knit pullover with a white hoodie sweater over it. (It's chilly here this morning!)
From the Learning Rooms... We're going to Omaha this weekend for Jon's graduation from high school! (I can't believe my little boy could possibly be old enough to graduate from high school....)
From the kitchen... Trying to think of a crockpot dinner to prepare to take over to my Dad tomorrow. My Mom and sis, Nina, are in North Carolina visiting family, and Dad is home alone, so we gotta feed him well! I'm thinking of seeing if I can find a crockpot version of a Reuben. Does that sound weird? (I think he'd like something like that, though.)
I am creating... Our Mary Garden. Here's the start of it:

(Don't ya love pansies? They're so cheerful!)

I 'm thankful for... a lovely, simple Mother's Day yesterday with Dan and seven of the children. Dan and the kids made me a wonderful dinner of all my favorite foods, then I got to have a nice nap and went on a drive around the countryside with Dan. A very relaxed, very pleasant day.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Getting ready for the Omaha trip Saturday and Sunday. Then getting ready for Dan's and my anniversary vacation next week. But today we're jaunting over to the foothills to take a look at another dairy goat that we may buy. This one is currently milking, so I'll have to gear up my dairy supplies if we get her.

One of my favorite things... being caught up on laundry. Which I'm not. Over the last three days I think every person in this family has somehow managed to dirty every item of clothing they own. How on earth do they do that?

Here are a few picture thoughts I'm sharing...

Our five youngest at the light rail station getting ready for their first-ever train ride Friday.

Here comes the train...

Two little commuters, Gabe and Anna

Gabe and Anna loved the ride. William wasn't impressed.

At the Rockies game!

An opportunity for Cathy and Theresa to socialize and eat peanuts...

Serious business to Kevvy...

But, Anna thinks it's boring.

Did I mention it was cold?

It would have been more fun if it had been warmer. We call this phenomena the Dan/Lisa baseball curse. We can't go to a game together unless it's frigid or raining or both. But everyone did have a good time. It was an adventure and a new experience for the Littles and fun for us to experience it with them!

** For more Simple Women's Daybooks, visit Peggy this morning!


  1. Hi Lisa, what a wonderful post! The children are all so adorable. It sounds like you had a fun and relaxing "Mother's Day". (sigh) I miss having all the kids around...but they called!

  2. Love, love, love this post! The kids lined up waiting for the train is priceless! And I'm sorry you had a cold time at the baseball game -- but regardless, your kids will treasure the memory, I'm sure!

    Lots of hugs!

  3. Despite the Dan/Lisa curse, it seems like everyone had fun.

    I'm with you on the laundry . . . it feels so good when it's all done BUT when is it EVER all done?????

  4. Congrats to Jon! Boy, your girls are pretty. I think Michelle looks just like you!


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