Monday, May 18, 2009

Going and Coming

Did Norman Rockwell have real life figured out, or what?
At least it looks a lot like our real life these days; this is a fair picture of us this past weekend, coming and going. Minus the dog (Our three stayed home). And the Grandma (Ours traveled in her own car with Grandpa.). And on the return trip, we lost a few kids (who hopped on board other home-bound vehicles), but gained their luggage. (See how much they love us?)
This is our weekend in a nutshell (if that's possible):
* We got up at about 3 am, Saturday, packed the six at-home kids in the car, and drove through to Omaha, arriving just after lunch.
* Met Dan's parents at the hotel, where the kids had to have the obligatory swim in the hotel pool with Grandpa.
* Then went to a sports grill, had some dinner and watched the Preakness (Did you see that little filly show those boys a thing or two?),
* Went back to the hotel, where we all pretty much passed out of exhaustion.
* Got up bright and early Sunday morning, repacked the car with luggage and children, and headed to Mass.
* After which, the parish sponsored a potluck, with a roasted pig (yum!),
* Then the school children's program, and the graduation,
* Followed by short, but nice visits at graduation parties at two different friend's homes.
* Then on the road again by about 4:30, with the three Littlest and a car packed full of the teenagers' luggage --
* Arriving home about 1 am. Boy, did it feel good to fall into our own beds!
* But, of course, the children were up around 6:30...
* And we have yet to find out if the other six children really do find their ways home today. (Four are on their way with Grandma and Grandpa, two hitched a ride with our good friends -- we hope...)
Today we're cleaning out the minivan and packing the little commuter car so Dan and I can go to the Western Slope tomorrow for four days of R&R.

We need it, too, let me tell ya.
** A Little Blog Business: I've scheduled some posts ahead ~ Hopefully, they'll continue to publish ok. And I decided it was time to unmoderate the combox. So all comments will be immediately posted and I won't have to keep on top of it so closely by e-mail. I might have a chance to get on Dan's laptop sometime this next week, but I'm not sure... I'll be back next weekend, though. Hopefully with lots of pictures of mountain scenery.
Hope everyone has a blessed week!
Here are a few trip pics:

(Did you notice William missing in this last photo? He was out in the car with Dan having a meltdown at the time... Go figure that... He went to sleep the minute the wheels on the car starting turning in the direction of home.)


  1. Congrats on your son's graduation! It is amazing how quickly they grow up isn't it! I was out for 3 days up North to see my son and was fun. I love the Norman Rockwell pics! He really had it all figured out I think! You have a darling family and HAVE FUN on your little retreat!

  2. Yay! Congratulations on graduation! We were up in Omaha Saturday night. Wonder if we crossed paths? ;) Glad you had a safe trip. Hope you have a great time in Ouray! I've seen pictures of that town. Hope to go some day!

  3. Woo hoo! Big congrats -- and I love the photo with the big tear. That's hilarious!!!

    Glad you had safe travels!


  4. very nice!!

    so, how's the sanity holding up?


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