Saturday, May 9, 2009

Early Morning Visit

I was wakened at about 5:30 this morning to what sounded like a squeaky toy being stepped on. "Those durn dogs," I thought, "playing with their toy in the yard -- right by my window." But then I remembered we'd put the dogs in the pen last night before we went to the Rockies game, so... hmmm.... Well, maybe I'd imagined it. So I snuggled down to try to get back to sleep. But, then I heard it again. It sounded more like a crow now, though, a big crow. But, we've never seen crows here ~ a few starlings and the occasional blackbird, but never a crow. Strange...

I threw on my robe and slippers and went out in the half-light to have a look around. I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary at first. The songbirds were awake and starting to make a racket, but the chickens were sleeping in; not a one was out in the chicken yard, so the weird noise hadn't been one of them. I strolled around the perimeter of the garden fence looking out into the front ten pasture and didn't see a thing, so headed back to the house. It must have been my imagination. Maybe I was dreaming.

Nice morning, though. A little chilly, but the sun was just peeking over the eastern rim of the prairie, lighting up the yard a bit. I was just thinking that it'd probably warm up a bit and would be a good day to do some yardwork, when I noticed something hanging out of the tree by the baby swing. What the heck?

It was long and strangely fuzzy. I thought for a minute it was my eyes going fuzzy on me, until I looked up into the tree and saw what the long fuzzy thing was connected to...

You see it? This vagabond peacock perched on the treebranch for a while...

( Here he is in brighter daylight)

Then he flew over to the roof. Here he is walking across our roof.

I watched him for a while, wondering if I should go wake up the children. I did wake up Dan so he could have a look. But, I didn't have the heart to wake up the kids. It goes against every motherly instinct in me to do such a thing, ya know... The children would only come out and make a racket and scare him away, anyway. And, I had pictures. So, after a while, I went in and went back to bed. When I came back out about an hour later he was nowhere to be found. I wonder where he came from and where he went? I don't expect I'll ever know.

But it's a good thing I had my trusty camera on hand. The kids would never have believed me if I didn't have these pictures.


  1. Where in the world would he have come from? A stray from the zoo? heheee

  2. Wow! That is pretty cool. I'm betting he is a pet from another farm. Many people have them as pets. Too bad he didn't stick around for the kids to see. I'm sure Bella would have found him very interesting as well. How are the pups by the way?

  3. Amazing that no one else heard him and you were able to get such great photos.

    Pups, you have little puppies and NO pictures? That could make a grown woman (me) cry!

    May you have a very blessed and loving Mother's Day,

  4. Awesome. A sign of good luck for sure...

  5. I read this a few days ago, told my family, and the boys didn't believe me.

    Evidently, they thought peacocks only lived in a zoo.

    How did it get there? I don't understand . . . the questions went on and on.

    But what a magical, early morning moment for you!


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