Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Along the Trail

The first hike of our first day in Ouray we started out exploring the hills behind our cabin, and met up with the western side of the Ouray Perimeter Trail. The town of Ouray is in a "bowl" of sorts, completely surrounded by hills, mountains, and forests, and the citizens of the town have created a trail that takes you all the way around, skirting the hillsides, from northwestern corner all the way around to the northeastern corner. On Wednesday morning last week, we followed the southwestern half of the trail up and over -- surprise, surprise! -- to Box Canyon Falls.

Here are some of our finds along the trail:A straight drop down to the Uncompahgre...
This very cool house with the very cool double deck overlooking the river on one side and the Ouray Valley on the other...
This view of the town...
This sweet little wildflower in the rocks...
(Proves it's possible to bloom just about anywhere.)
And this long, steep stairway on the side of the mountain
that led to:


  1. WOW! Thank you for sharing all of these!

  2. Have been following your nice trip and all the sights.

    The video turned out great, so beautiful and you have such a sweet voice too.

    Of course, I loved the boys discussion about praying for basically everyone, even the scary guys...children are SO funny!



  3. Beautiful. You're good and steady with the camera, too! I like the house with the tree going through the double decks. Thanks for sharing!

  4. That water is unbelievable!!! And I can't get over how steady your camera work turned out to be. You might be on to a 2nd career as a videographer! What a beautiful slice of God's handiwork!

  5. what fun. i wanna go hiking. alone. with my husband:)


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