Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You've just gotta love this...

If this doesn't make you smile, nothing will!

H/T: Jimminy, I'm not sure where I saw this! When zipping over to u-tube to pick it up to share, I lost track of where I started out. Please forgive me, whoever it was that found this first. I'm glad you shared it; we loved it!


  1. This is wonderful...maybe you can take along a boom box and do this in your local grocery store...get some good vibes going in a stressed world!

    blessings always,


  2. Gosh, I saw that somewhere else -- I can't think of where -- actually it might have even been on a tv program. It was interesting to watch people's reactions.

  3. That was brilliant! Made my day!

  4. OH I love that, I posted it also on my blog last week! I found it on another blog. I have watched this at least 20 times because it makes me feel so good too! I understand that this particular group has done this before in other places! How awesome is that to be a part of something that makes the world a better place and puts smiles on peoples faces! LOVE IT!

  5. I had it on my blog. I saw it on Jill Staneks blog.

  6. Lisa,

    Do you know Sherry?

    mother of 9 walking this earth, Catholic, and funny as all getout. If you don't know her, you SHOULD!


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