Saturday, April 18, 2009

White Pina Colada Slurpee Snow

Five to six inches of it here ~ lots more in the Denver area.

Wet, wet, wet snow. As soon as you step on it, it turns to water. It's easy to shovel away, but really, really heavy.

The kids call him "Alphonso." Don't ask me why; I don't know.


  1. Wow! I can't believe it snows like this in late April - I like the look of Alphonso though

  2. At least the kids are smiling---mine would probably go into "full revolt" mode.....

  3. Why did they call him Alphonso?

    JUST KIDDING!!!! (you said not to I had to ask!)

    You guys are making snowmen...we're planting flower boxes.

  4. When we were growing up, we made what we called "The world's biggest snowball"..It took all eight kids rolling it. To me, being about 11yo, it seemed 12 feet tall, but I am sure it was more around 8. I tried it with my kids, but they are not quite big enough..By the time they are, I am sure Ill be too old to get out there and help!

  5. well, that's one way to get the snowoff your vegetables!



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