Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring is Coming!

Really it is!

You Are Blooming Flowers

You are an optimistic person by nature. In even the darkest times, you are hopeful about the future.

You feel truly blessed in life and can sometimes be overwhelmed with emotions.

You have an artist's eye. You are always looking for beauty in the mundane.

You have a good sense of aesthetics, especially when it comes to shapes and color.


  1. "You have and artist's eye." I knew that! You are gifted! Cathy

  2. Thank-you, Cathy! You're so nice.

  3. Had a feeling this would be a great blog just from the name alone! I need to give myself a treat and come back to read the whole nice to see so many fellow Catholic bloggers out here.
    blessings to you,

    psst, I feel God wants me to reach out to the non Catholics too, so I have not posted that I am Catholic, just very Christian and when they're not looking I'm gonna sprinkle them with holy water!!!

  4. I wanted to be a follower here, so I searched for the follower list and found nothing, so, being the adventurous soul, I looked at the link thingy (can you tell what a computer guru I am?). Sad to say, I have no idea how to link, pitiful, isn't it? Sometimes I even have trouble "linking" my bracelet. BUT, I may have found a solution to my problem as this mine is a very busy one...let's see..


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