Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sleepy Woman Monday

What I've been thinking... It seems that the perfect cure for insomnia would have to be:

with your head facing north
in a field of lavender
watching sheep sleeping next to a fence,

If the method works, we might have a money-making proposition here. Someone could set up a sleeping camp! And, even though it's my brainchild, I don't need to be cut in on the profits; I'll just be the guinea pig.

* Anybody got a field of lavender with some sleepy sheep?

What We've been doing... In a coconut shell: Had a great visit with Paul and his lovely fiancee, our Nicole last weekend. While they were in the Denver area, they decided they'll have their wedding reception in a reception hall on top of Lookout Mountain, overlooking the city. It's going to be awesome. OH, and the bridesmaids' dresses are gorgeous! We got to go to a fitting with one of the bridesmaids on Saturday, then out to lunch at Macaroni Grill. Life doesn't get more fun than that, does it? (That's not the bridesmaids' dress pictured on the left, in case you were worried.)

Then, I got to take a little "breather" trip to my happy place in western Colorado on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of last week. Drove up as far as I could go one day toward Yankee Boy Basin in the San Juans-- until I hit the "Danger! Avalanche!" signs. Had the sense to turn around at that point, but on the way down, caught sight of a little black squirrel and the brightest blue jay and picked a twig off a pine tree and put it in the windshield for an air freshener. Then hiked up to some promontory rocks overlooking the Million Dollar Highway and prayed the rosary. Great company up there. (Don't anybody tell my mother I hiked up there by myself, though, or I'll get a lecture.... And here I am 44 years old; I really should know better. I know, I know. But, I did turn around at the avalanche signs, Mom...)

* No sheep or lavender on the mini vacation. Didn't know about the toe wiggling and tummy rubbing things.

Came home to a busy weekend. Dan got the washer and dryer hooked up in the study-turned-laundry room, and we bought a new dishwasher and installed it. We've been handwashing dishes around here for two or three weeks now and all we girls have to say is Hallelujah! We love you, Josephine Cochran! (That would be Josephine pictured above and to the left, there.)

Michelle and I went thrift shopping Saturday afternoon on the hunt for Easter outfits for the two of us (the rest of the girls are all set already), and I found the cutest skirt, but we couldn't find anything for Michelle -- except a pair of brand new flip flops for $2, three pairs of khaki type capris for summer, and a pretty summer dress. Oh, and a pair of new church slacks and button downs for both William and Gabe, plus green shirts for the little girls to wear on Tuesday. And a badminton set. All for less than fifty dollars. I know it's probably a sign of a sickness, but I'd rather go garage saling or thrifting than to a mall any day of the week!

But, go figure, I lay awake Saturday night thinking about Shell's and my thrift shopping prowess and how I need to go next time and target some new bedside tables. And how I want to arrange my garden beds, and how I need some new planters' mix on my salad beds, and whether I should plant sweet peas or real peas on the children's wire tunnel...

Couldn't manage to think of nothing. Didn't even get as far as thinking about thinking of nothing.
What I'm doing right this minute... Sitting here in my blue jeans, green knit blouse and pink slippers, eating green M&Ms, while Michelle watches an old episode of The Twilight Zone in the background. It's Sunday night and Lent begins again in fifteen minutes.

I just gave Michelle the rest of the bag of M&Ms. I'm stuffed, anyway. We had corned beef, colcanon, and bread pudding for dinner tonight, and watched a favorite old movie, The War of the Buttons , one I cannot whole-heartedly endorse for children for its poor imitative behavior (and one "close-yer-eyes" scene of a children's prank), but one that has a special place in our hearts, nonetheless.
I'm thinking about getting a little cup of chamomile tea to sip... I'm feeling annoyingly wide awake.

Got a Hawaiian Breeze plug-in air freshener in the living room, but no lavender.

Hang the dang sheep.

I think I'll go get my rosary and imagine I'm on top of the world in the San Juan mountains, and try to find that good company again.
'Night, All.


  1. So.....dont you want to post a picture of those lovely bridemaids dresses?
    Don't ya?
    Never heard of that movie...maybe Matt needs to order it for us on Netflix?

  2. You had quite a grand weekend! All in all profitable too. God Bless and sweet dreams! Cathy

  3. Hey, Laura! I didn't have my camera with me the day we went for the fittings (Silly me!), but you can see the dress if you go to and punch in style #8567. The girls will have sleeves fitted for modesty. And they're in black. The wedding party will all be in black and white, and all the other trappings will be in bright fall colors. I think it'll be very elegant. &:o)

    Cathy ~ Thank-you! And God bless you!

  4. Benadryl does wonders for insomnia dear.


    but I like your lavender field...minus the sheep poop.

  5. MM ~ Yeah, I know. Nyquil does the trick, too. Last night I took a couple Advil PMs and they worked. But, I'm always on the quest for drug-free cures. For me, it's cyclical ~ perimenopausal. So, we just roll with the punches. And I do get punchy!

  6. A wedding on top of Lookout Mountain, that sounds gorgeous! I saw a place there on and have been looking into it for my own wedding in Dec. Write about how it was!


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